rebus - Build Regular Expressions in a Human Readable Way
Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package is designed for interactive use. For package development, use the rebus.* dependencies.
Last updated 8 years ago
6.73 score 33 stars 3 dependents 364 scripts 615 downloadsrebus.base - Core Functionality for the 'rebus' Package
Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package contains core functionality, and is primarily intended to be used by package developers.
Last updated 8 years ago
4.81 score 2 stars 7 dependents 31 scripts 545 downloadslearningr - Data and Functions to Accompany the Book "Learning R"
Crabs in the English channel, deer skulls, English monarchs, half-caste Manga characters, Jamaican cities, Shakespeare's The Tempest, drugged up cyclists and sexually transmitted diseases.
Last updated 9 years ago
4.59 score 25 stars 31 scripts 224 downloadssig - Print Function Signatures
Print function signatures and find overly complicated code.
Last updated 9 years ago
4.45 score 1 dependents 19 scripts 309 downloadsrebus.datetimes - Date and Time Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package contains date and time functionality, and is primarily intended to be used by package developers.
Last updated 2 years ago
3.78 score 1 stars 4 dependents 4 scripts 545 downloadsrebus.numbers - Numeric Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package contains number-related functionality, and is primarily intended to be used by package developers.
Last updated 8 years ago
3.78 score 1 stars 4 dependents 4 scripts 595 downloadsrebus.unicode - Unicode Extensions for the 'rebus' Package
Build regular expressions piece by piece using human readable code. This package contains Unicode functionality, and is primarily intended to be used by package developers.
Last updated 8 years ago
3.78 score 4 dependents 4 scripts 582 downloads